Thursday 2 February 2012

Kinda sorta back at it....

Well, I have posted befor that Wednesday weigh ins are my cheat days... Well i did really wel yesterday... but then night time hit and I had 5(ya 5!!) peices of pizza and a cupcake from the local bakery... I felt awful after I ate it and I will never do it again! Tonight the entire family is going out for my Grandma's birthday, we are going to a local chinese food restaurant. My plan is to have 4 steamed pork dumplings and a cup of won top soup and some steamed veggies... we will see how that goes. I was 167 yesterday and I weighed myself this morning and I was right back up to 171... yikes!!! My goal this time BM was home was to track everything and stay completely OP while he was home... guess I failed at that... but usually I would say ok screw the rest of the week.. but not this time! I wil do this!

So far today these are my eats..

Oatmeal 2pts
2 Tblsp PB2 1pt
Total 3 pts

1 single serving no sugar added peaches 1pt
1 FF Activia yogurt 1pt
1 Orange 1pt
27 Special K chips 2pts
Total 5pts

4 Pork dim sum 6pts
1 cup Won ton soup 4pts
Mushrooms and veggies in black bean sauce 5pts
Total 15pts

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